Sunday, March 12, 2006

Small business poll

I saw this poll on’s Small Business site:

Poll Results

About Poll
What's the best thing about running a home-based business?

Being able to set your own schedule.

Not having to commute anywhere.

Being your own boss.

Being able to work in jammies or jeans if you feel like it.

Being able to spend more time with family.

I had to laugh at the setting your own schedule one. Almost daily I will see one little thing to “tweak” and end up an hour later still messing with it. I’ve always been a huge list maker. I actually have lists of lists. I remember when I had my daughter and was on maternity leave from my then full time job, I couldn’t believe how the day escaped me! And I felt like I was getting so little done that I had planned! My mom said, “Just list one thing, then list “baby”, then list another thing, then “baby” etc. etc.”

That’s the way it is with a small business. It needs lots of your time. Anything else you get done is bonus!

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