Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The emotional part of owning a business

It took John about 4 hours to put on my link last night!! I felt SO guilty! I brought him cake!
This store is such a roller coaster of emotions. Down at the very bottom when I check for sales L Then starting to climb when I get another idea or read something that gives me hope. Then at the top when I look at my site or what I’ve done so far. Today it hit bottom at one point: I was reading a CafePress forum and someone mentioned getting a hit from the CafePress Marketplace search. And then someone else talked about the descriptions being so important again. So I thought I would check which of my descriptions were showing up on the Marketplace and just randomly picked “no TV” A site called antiuniverse came up and had ALL words with lines through them! I mean every word you could think of! My stomach actually felt like I hit the bottom of the roller coaster!
I don’t know who’s site was up first, but after just sitting there about 5 minutes I realized we had different takes on the theme. My site is about giving things up to make you a better person. Theirs is anti everything. Kind of like being anti for the sake of being anti. So I took a breath and moved on. Tweaked all my designs for, hopefully, better placement in the marketplace.Went to an art fundraiser tonight and talked to a couple who own an art shop about being small business owners. We all immediately relate to each other that’s for sure!

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